Tailstocks | Counterholder

For 5-axis machining centers.

We have been developing and manufacturing clamping solutions for difficult-to-fix workpieces since 1983. Our newly developed vertical tailstocks and steady rests / counter holders hold the workpieces securely and enable trouble-free machining on multi-axis machining centers.

Tailstock counterholder on 5-axis swivel rotary table

Tailstock/counterholder with center: Position on top of swivel rotary table

From now on, long and thin components can be clamped vertically (upright).

Our vertical tailstocks and counterholders enable all-round machining without oscillations and vibrations.

Existing machines can be retrofitted quickly and easily.

Available for all common 5-axis machining centers!

Special requests welcome

No matter what requirements, wishes or questions you have. We will help you immediately and will find the right solution.

steady rest with centric vise. The rollers in the clamping jaws enable round bars to be held and thus machined.

Tailstock / steady rest with center

Tailstocks | steady rests by SPREITZER – Qualität Made in Germany

All manufactured tailstocks leave our house 100% tested and ready for installation.

We are certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001-2015.

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Your partner with quality

Your proven partner for turnkey solutions. Special devices in OEM quality since 1983. You too can benefit from our many years of experience!