Multi-page processing

We offer suitable solutions in the field of multi-sided machining that are as varied as they are diverse.
Whether simultaneous palletizing of workpiece carriers or universal quick-change systems for high-precision positioning – we are ready for your requirements.

The hydraulic centering, clamping and part unit is a compact fixture unit that holds workpiece fixtures as well as workpiece or fixture pallets via corresponding feed pins.
The high-precision positioning, radial indexing, positive clamping and large clamping force characterize this system.
There are different areas of application:

Multi-sided machining with multiple clamping

Multi-side machining with multiple clamping on clamping bridge

One of the areas of application for hydraulic centring, clamping and parts units is the 5-sided and multi-sided machining of workpieces with simultaneous palletizing of the workpiece carriers. The clamping device consists of a clamping bridge between two mounting cheeks into which the fixture units are integrated. Radial rotation of the workpiece holders in the fixture units with subsequent high-precision positioning and clamping enable complete machining of the workpieces in a single operation.

  • Economical and efficient on 3-axis machining centers
  • Multiple voltage
  • Hydraulically actuated, independent of control unit
  • System patent protected
  • >|< 0.003 mm

Vertical machining center

Universal quick-change system, palletizing system

The fixture units are used as universal quick-change systems for high-precision positioning, indexing and clamping of workpiece or fixture pallets. Depending on the design, they can be installed directly in the machine table or in base elements provided for this purpose.

  • Centering and repeat accuracy of 0.003 mm
  • Positive clamping
  • Radial indexing
  • 5-sided and multi-sided machining with simultaneous palletizing of the workpiece carriers
  • Increased workpiece accuracy thanks to complete machining in a single operation
  • Shorter auxiliary utilization time due to pre-equipped workpiece clamping, shorter overall machining time

Quick change or palletizing system on a vertical machine

Quick-change or palletizing system
on a horizontal machine

Quick-change or palletizing system
in conjunction with a CNC rotary table

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What can we do for you?

By using our products and services, our customers increase the productivity of their production by up to 100 % and at the same time significantly reduce their production costs.